
In this unit, you will configure a development environment which you will use to learn the basics of the Linux command line, version control with Git, and containerization using Docker.

After reviewing, you'll apply this information to complete and submit your first programming assignment which serves as a practical introduction to jupyter notebooks.


  • create a working UNIX/Linux-based development environment
  • demonstrate competancy with the basics of the Linux command line (navigation, creating directories, etc.)
  • demonstrate competency with Docker containers as a means of managing dependencies
  • demonstrate how to use Git with GitHub to download (clone), complete (commit), and submit (push) programming assignments



Here you'll find a link to the video playlist for this unit. These videos are meant to supplement the unit lessons related to configuring your development environment.



Complete these tutorials in the order listed.

Configuring your development environment

Ready to get started? Follow this step-by-step guide to setup up your development environment.

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