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Hiring for DARPA project

I'm hiring for multiple positions beginning as early as Summer 2020. For more information, you can contact me at hahnpowell AT arizona DOT edu.

Research Programmer

Skills (preferred)

  • OpenStack
  • Graph databases (RDF, Neo4j, etc)
  • Scala
  • Python
  • Javascript (\geq ES6)

Research Assistant (grad)


  • Develop named entity recognizers with limited training data
  • Entity linking
  • Develop rule-based and statistical components for name entity recognition and relation extraction
  • Computer vision for documentation segmentation and OCR

Skills (required)

  • Some programming experience
    • Scala
    • Python
  • Machine learning basics
    • Familarity with sequence models
  • Version control (Git) basics

Skills (preferred)

  • Docker

Research Assistant (undergrad)

  • Annotate for named entities and relations
  • Develop rule-based and statistical components for name entity recognition and relation extraction
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