Leave of Absence


I have been granted a leave of absence from the University of Arizona for the 2022-2023 AY. As of 08/01/2022, I will be joining the Amazon Product Graph team as an Applied Scientist.

For University of Arizona matters not addressed specifically below, please contact the current department head for Linguistics, Dr. Natasha Warner (nwarner AT arizona DOT edu).

Academic programs

HLT Online

Dr. Eric Jackson (ejackson AT arizona DOT edu) will be serving as the interim director of the online HLT MS program. Questions about the program (admissions, course scheduling, etc.) should be directed to him. As always, questions about the in-person HLT MS program should be directed Dr. Sandiway Fong (sandiway AT arizona DOT edu).

Graduate Certificate in NLP

The graduate certificate in NLP will not be accepting applications until a new program director is named.

OpenClass pilot

Dr. Dianne Patterson (dkp AT arizona DOT edu) will serve as the faculty representative for the official University of Arizona pilot of OpenClass. Questions about the pilot should be directed to Dr. Patterson or Alec Kretch (alec AT openclass DOT ai).



Dr. Enrique Noriega Atala (enoriega AT arizona DOT edu) will be leading NLP efforts on the AHEAD AZ project (azcovidtxt-rh, p2p warmline, etc.) in my absence.


Dr. Mihai Surdeanu (msurdeanu AT arizona DOT edu) is now PI on the MR4all (Accessible and Interpretable Machine Reading Methods for Extracting Structured Information from Text) NSF grant.


Dr. Wenwen Dou (wenwen.dou AT uncc DOT edu) is now PI on the KG-BRAIN (PFI-TT: Artificial Intelligence System for Enterprise Performance Management that Integrates Causal Analytics and Human Expertise) NSF grant.

Something else?

For unrelated matters, please feel free to contact me using my personal email address.

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